Are you on the right career path?

Are you living your best life possible, or is it just OK?

Find Your Vocation

Have you ever asked yourself if you are truly following your vocation, or your calling?  Most of us aren’t. Though we may have an ideal career in mind, we probably don’t know how to get there, and may not think it’s realistic. There are many paths to follow. Let's find the one that's right for you!

We all have our talents and passions, but most of us are not fortunate enough to use them to their fullest in our careers.  A career should serve your life, not the other way around.  Let’s work together to find the work that calls to you so you can have the life you want.  Your destination and calling are within reach!  Let’s talk about how.

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Job Search

Already know your path forward?  Then let’s talk about tips, tricks and strategies to increase your visibility, highlight your skills, make the right connections and get you in the door as soon as possible.

Career Exploration

Career exploration is what Destination Vocation is built on.  We’ll work together to evaluate your strengths, passions and life values to find a career that makes you want to wake up every morning!

Specialized Services

Need help with your resume or your LinkedIn profile?  Not sure how to market yourself so you get noticed?  Need help with motivation and finding life/work balance?  Then let’s get you unstuck!

About Me

Why I do this...

It’s simple – I like to help people find the career and life that’s best for them.  I’ve been doing this for many years and I like to think I helped at least a few people find a better way forward.  How did I learn to do that?  Mostly because I’ve been where you are and I learned from experience!

